Such a mundane, menial task could easily be seen as beneath a great and respected hero like Geralt. Take one of the very earliest side quests as an example: in A Frying Pan, Spick and Span, the player is tasked with finding an old woman's soot-covered frying pan, which she'd been lent to a stranger who seemingly then nicked off with it (turns out it's just inside the house she's standing outside of, and the man had had more important things to worry about than returning the pan after using the soot to make ink for writing letters). This was a conscious decision by developer CD Projekt, which wanted every quest - even the little ones about fetching or delivering something for somebody - to be memorable. There were always twists, trying to throw off expectations." I expected to skip through some boring dialog and do some simple fetch quests but each one kept drawing me in and kept my interest. "Their side quests are more involved from both a gameplay and story perspective than most games' main quests. "The best side quests in the business are in The Witcher 3," says Deep Silver Volition senior designer Brad Johnson, who did mission design on the past three Saints Row games. The Witcher 3 - a masterclass in side quest design This includes having the same range of reactivity, choices, and consequences as a normal quest in the main plot, although the scope of the reactivity, etc.